Women, make your presence in the Church known by your absence
“Niche issue”...“Further study is needed” ...“When the time is right”
Sound familiar? These are headlines from the past month of the Synod on Synodality. The same tired excuses to continue to keep women out of ordained ministry.
We will no longer wait until ordained men decide the time is right.
Catholic Women Strike is a global campaign aimed at seeking to "remove all barriers to ministry and governance, including Holy Orders, for women and people of all genders, through withholding women’s time, labour, and resources from the Catholic Church for the duration of Lent 2025". CWS is a project of Women's Ordination Conference (WOC).
Check out the website, There is a tool kit with loads of ideas which is also available in Spanish, German, and Italian

CWO and Root & Branch invite you to a meeting about Catholic Women Strike (CWS), Thursday 20 February 2025: 20.00 - 21.30 (UK time)
More information will come in the newsletters as and when we have it
WOC's Executive Director, Kate McElwee, will join us to talk about the project, to update us on global actions and to answer questions. We'll also be joined by activists from around the world taking part in CWS who'll be striking in their own way - each group, each individual will interpret 'strike' action for themselves.
CWO and Root & Branch are CWS partners. More information and a chance to register as an individual supporter is here: Get Involved — Catholic Women Strike
Many thanks to Jamie Manson for a hugely entertaining and thought provoking talk at our Annual Gathering 28.9.2024
You can watch the video here

CWO with WOW in Rome for Synod October 2024

This year's CWO Annual Gathering
28 September 2024
Bar Convent
17 Blossom Street
YO24 1AQ
Refreshments from 10.30am
AGM 11am -1pm
Speaker and discussion 2 - 4.30pm
We are very lucky to have Jamie Manson to speak to us this year.
Jamie's theme -
The "O" in CWO - Why is ordination important?
There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion
The whole day will be available via Zoom and Jamie's session will be recorded. Please contact us for details.
Please let us know if you're coming in person. Travel information here

Vocation Sunday 21 April 2024
CWO held vigils in Dunbar, Bexhill, Leicester and Westminster
Details in May enews

CWO with WOW in Rome for Synod October 2023
(We'll be back in October this year!)

Vocation Sunday
Vocation Sunday 30 April 2023

On 1st October 2022 we had our AGM followed by a talk
'Mary, Founder of Christianity' by Dr Chris Maunder in the afternoon.

From 1988 until 2020 Dr Maunder worked as a senior lecturer in Theology & Religious Studies at York St John University, and served there as Head of Department, Head of B.A., and Head of M.A. He has written and edited books and articles on the Virgin Mary and is also passionate about Marian shrines.
His books include a new volume of Henry Bettenson’s collection,
Documents of the Christian Church (OUP, 1999, 2011),
Origins of the Cult of the Virgin Mary (Continuum, 2008),
and Our Lady of the Nations: Apparitions of Mary in 20th-Century Catholic (2016 OUP).
More recently he was editor of the Oxford Handbook of Mary (2019, OUP).